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Action Counters Terrorism. A brief threat update and Lockdown security measures

Rob Eddy – Counter Terrorism Security Advisor (CTSA) – ERSOU Counter Terrorism Policing Command, Norfolk & Suffolk As a minimum, your emergency plan should include the following:*       Evacuation, invacuation and/or lockdown procedures and route assignments, such as floor plans, workplace maps, and protected/safe or refuge areas.*       Names, titles, departments, and telephone numbers of individuals both within and outside your company to contact for additional information or explanation of duties and responsibilities under the emergency plan.*       Identified personnel who will ‘lead’ in the evacuation to direct people to safe exits, e.g. marshals or wardens.*       Procedures for those employees who will remain on site to perform or shut down critical operations, or perform other essential services.*

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Presentations from the East Anglian School Leaders Conference – July 6th 2023

Dear East Anglian School Leaders  Thank you to all of those who attended our conference and thank you for all your feedback.  As promised, I have attached the videos of the speakers Our headline speakers include:- John Tomsett – The Curriculum Triumvirate – The curriculum comprises three elements: content-adaptive pedagogy-assessment. In this session all three elements of the curriculum are explored and suggests how senior leaders might begin to interrogate a subject specific curriculum from seven starting points. Ros Somerville, Assistant Director Inclusion for SCC – overview of SEND services and the key topics in this area.  Professor Bill Lucas – Creativity in schools: what it is, why it matters and what school leaders can do to cultivate it.England once the led

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Visit the Suffolk Computing Hub

Achieving a world-leading computing education for every child in England through direct school support, high quality subsidised CPD, the Teach Computing Scheme of Work for KS1-4 and Isaac Computer Science for GCSE and KS5.

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