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Teacher training in Suffolk, Norfolk and Essex
NESTT is the number one ITT, School Centred Initial Teacher Training provider for Suffolk, Norfolk and Essex combined.
Essential Teacher Training for primary and secondary: Gain the Skills and Knowledge You Need to Succeed.
Attendance Hub Unity Schools Partnerships – Nov 23
Nick Froy – Director of Secondary Education – gave an overview of the systems and processes they use to tackle poor attendance
Action Counters Terrorism. A brief threat update and Lockdown security measures
Rob Eddy – Counter Terrorism Security Advisor (CTSA) – ERSOU Counter Terrorism Policing Command, Norfolk & Suffolk As a minimum, your emergency plan should include the following:* Evacuation, invacuation and/or lockdown procedures and route assignments, such as floor plans, workplace maps, and protected/safe or refuge areas.* Names, titles, departments, and telephone numbers of individuals both within and outside your company to contact for additional information or explanation of duties and responsibilities under the emergency plan.* Identified personnel who will ‘lead’ in the evacuation to direct people to safe exits, e.g. marshals or wardens.* Procedures for those employees who will remain on site to perform or shut down critical operations, or perform other essential services.*
Presentations from the East Anglian School Leaders Conference – July 6th 2023
Dear East Anglian School Leaders Thank you to all of those who attended our conference and thank you for all your feedback. As promised, I have attached the videos of the speakers Our headline speakers include:- John Tomsett – The Curriculum Triumvirate – The curriculum comprises three elements: content-adaptive pedagogy-assessment. In this session all three elements of the curriculum are explored and suggests how senior leaders might begin to interrogate a subject specific curriculum from seven starting points. Ros Somerville, Assistant Director Inclusion for SCC – overview of SEND services and the key topics in this area. Professor Bill Lucas – Creativity in schools: what it is, why it matters and what school leaders can do to cultivate it.England once the led
Visit the Suffolk Computing Hub
Achieving a world-leading computing education for every child in England through direct school support, high quality subsidised CPD, the Teach Computing Scheme of Work for KS1-4 and Isaac Computer Science for GCSE and KS5.