
Member & Partner Networking

What is HeadsTogether?

Born from a need for a more flexible way to connect school leaders at local levels, HeadsTogether is a blend of ethos and mechanisms. The ethos is focused on helping leaders to build and sustain mutually beneficial relationships – with mechanisms that can make this a reality against the backdrop of fewer natural face-to-face interactions.

SASH Executive members share their thoughts on the challenges of school leaders – and the power of professional sharing in leadership.

What does your free membership bring?

Through consultation, we have created a powerful online networking system to enable easy communication and collaboration.

Once a member, you can choose to work with a facilitator to help set up a reciprocal school visit, or just find out what’s possible by exploring and connecting with colleagues through the platform.

The aim is to develop a blend of face-to-face reciprocal school visits as well as an online platform for sharing documents, videos, ideas, research and solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

You have full control over what you share. SASH Online is a networking platform – so – only members can see what you post and you can adjust the level of security.

If you’d like to make strictly confidential contact with Nigel Burgoyne (Chief Executive) or Dave Lee-Allan (Chair), you can access their direct contact details from their member profile page. Or, take a look at the HeadSupport scheme which is designed to provide confidential one-to-one mentoring.

To join SASH Online, we request that you hold a leadership position within the school and that you are invited by your headteacher (or equivalent). Headteachers can invite other leaders to join from within the system – or – you can join directly. Your headteacher will be able to see that you have become a member. Senior Leaders, Partners and Middle Leaders are examples of the different profiles, with more on the way.

We are working on short explainers to help you navigate your way around, and we also encourage a ‘play’ approach as you can’t do too much wrong by clicking buttons on the site 🙂 Equally, you can always get in touch for some support if you need.

Please submit questions that you’d like answered that could also feature in this section using our main contact page or email development@sashonline.org