Dear East Anglian School Leaders
Thank you to all of those who attended our conference and thank you for all your feedback. As promised, I have attached the videos of the speakers
Our headline speakers include:-
John Tomsett – The Curriculum Triumvirate – The curriculum comprises three elements: content-adaptive pedagogy-assessment. In this session all three elements of the curriculum are explored and suggests how senior leaders might begin to interrogate a subject specific curriculum from seven starting points.
Ros Somerville, Assistant Director Inclusion for SCC – overview of SEND services and the key topics in this area.
Professor Bill Lucas – Creativity in schools: what it is, why it matters and what school leaders can do to cultivate it.England once the led the world in thinking about creativity in schools, but these days it feels as if we are in the slow lane of thinking. Globally creativity is on the move, increasingly featuring in the national curricula of our competitors, and the first ever PISA Test of Creative Thinking took place in 2022.
Sam Freedman is a senior fellow at the Institute for Government and writes regularly on politics and policy for Prospect, New Statesman, TES, FT, Guardian and Sunday Times. He worked at the Department for Education as a senior policy adviser to Michael Gove between 2010 and 2013.
“Ask the panel” – you ask our “experts” session, hosted by Geoff Barton, with Melissa Benn, Ros Somerville, Sam Freedman & Bill Lucas
Dipa Chopan – Compass MIS demonstrating how schools can utilise modern MIS technology to create a child centric learning environment, and the important role data plays in shaping individual learning journeys.
Owen Carter – Impact Ed – Putting evidence to work: the latest data on improving staff engagement and pupil attendance. An overview of the latest evidence from ImpactEd’s national research on strategies for improving staff engagement and wellbeing, and addressing pupil absence. There will be a focus on practical solutions for schools and Trust leaders as well as sharing tools to assess engagement challenges in your own context and identify the most appropriate interventions.
Finally, if you enjoyed this year’s conference, SAVE the date for next year – Thursday – 4th July 2024.